= LewisSetup = `lewis` is a directory server which hosts DNS, Kerberos, and LDAP. This page documents everything done to get `lewis` up, running, and configured. '''Specs:''' * `lewis` is a virtual machine client running on `eddings` * Number of Processors: One * Hard disk size (preallocated): 20GB * Memory: 512MB * Network Connection: bridged networking Please see the following sub-guides: * LewisSetupDnsServer: describes the steps necessary to make the computer a DNS server * LewisSetupKerberosServer: describes the steps necessary to make the computer a Kerberos server * LewisSetupLdapServer: describes the steps necessary to make the computer an LDAP server == Create New Virtual Machine Client == Create a new client for the `lewis` virtual machine: 1. Connect to the virtual machine console on the host server. 1. Create a new virtual machine, using the '''Specs''' listed above. == 32bit Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron), Server Edition == === Installation Media === Acquire and prepare the installer: 1. Find a URL for the appropriate installer `.iso` file at [http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download]. 1. Use the `wget` command on the virtual machine's host to download that `.iso`. 1. Mount that `.iso` file as a CD via the virtual machine console. === Installation === Boot from the "CD" created earleir (press `ESC` at the POST screen). Select the following options to proceed through the install: 1. ''English''. 1. ''Install Ubuntu Server''. 1. Choose a language: ''English'' 1. Choose a country, territory, or state: ''United States'' 1. Keyboard layout: ''us'' 1. Hostname: `lewis` 1. Time zone: ''Arizona'' 1. Partitioning method: ''Guided - use entire disk'' 1. Disk to partition: whichever represents the SATA drive (''SCSI3'' for me) 1. Full name: `Karl M. Davis` 1. Username: `karl` 1. Password: (be sure to note this in `Identity.ods`) 1. Software to install: ''OpenSSH Server'' (we'll install some of the others later) == Network Connection == Assign the server a static public IP: 1. Edit the `/etc/network/interfaces` file and set the `eth0` section as follows: ``` auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway ``` 1. Restart networking: ``` # /etc/init.d/networking restart ``` == Connecting via SSH == After the network connection has been setup, you should be able to connect to the computer from other hosts via the following SSH command: ``` $ ssh karl@ ``` == Keeping the Clock Synchronized == References: * https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html As a virtual machine guest, the computer's clock will tend to "drift" faster than normal. To correct this, simply install `ntpd` via the following command: ``` # apt-get install ntp ```